

Hi everyone. I am Georg Link :wave: , PhD Candidate :man_student: at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. I use pronouns he/him. I grew up in Germany :de:

I joined open source when I booted my first computer :desktop_computer: with internet. One memorabilia I cherish from the early days is a DVD :dvd: and case that I designed for the 2006 OOo conference in Lyon. The tragedy from which LibreOffice emerged got me obsessed with the business side of open source. I earned a bachelors in business and completed an apprenticeship in a bank :bank:, away from open source to experience how an established economy works.

After earning a masters in business informatics and an MBA, I joined a PhD program. This ended my break from open source and I dove deep into issues concerned with corporate engagement in open source. In 2017, I co-founded the CHAOSS project for fostering a conversation on how we can use metrics to assess open source project health :thermometer:. I also advance the Bugmark project which develops market mechanisms :chart_with_upwards_trend: for open source.

I will graduate in May 2019. I have not finalized future plans but I want to advance sustainability of open source and build communities.