About the ⚙️ Technology and Open Source category

Discussions and topics about technology and free/open source software. Topics include software, hardware, tools, platforms, community, and more.

Why should people use this category? What is it for?

Miscellaneous discussions or recent news to share about technology or open source. This can be about personal projects or something else around the web. This is also a good place to share interesting reads with other people too.

How exactly is this different than the other categories we already have?

Content in this category is specific to technology or generally about free and open source software, unrelated to existing Working Groups.

What should topics in this category generally contain?

If you’re linking out to something else on the web, try to add a few sentences about why it was interesting to you or why you think it’s cool.

If you want to start a discussion or ask for help for something, try to give some background to the topic or your problem.