Internews is looking for open-source digital safety and security software teams interested to participate in a fully funded program aimed at supporting teams’ strategic planning and sustainability. The project provides support teams in a variety of ways:
Individualised sustainability action planning
Mentoring by sustainability experts
Fellowship grants to support underdeveloped work areas
Embedded consultants to support build-out of underdeveloped work areas
Support implementing ethical analytics to measure end-user engagement
Do I understand it right that the opportunity is not to support Open Source developers and maintainers? It reads like it is addressed to support people who are exploring Open Source for the aforementioned security goals.
Looks to me like it is for OSS teams who already have open source projects and are working in the security space, who want their projects to be more sustainable.
This is specifically directed at OSS developers and maintainers. The aim is to support the financial sustainability and diversity of the OSS space- one of the components of this is to diversify the space by opening up more to end-users.
Submitted application to find funds for doing long standing security review for Python zipfile module. Previous attempts to apply for funding from got no response.
There definitely needs some transparency in how applications are treated.
Thank you for your interest in our program. We appreciate your feedback and would like to let you know that the updated selection criteria can be found on the forum. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to let us know.