Design & UX working group

Adding in a topic for the Design & UX WG.

We had our first meeting on 23rd April (16:00 GMT) and largely discussed what Design & UX OSS sustainability means to each of us and some of our key, personal concerns. We have a notes docs I’ll drop here.

Generally, though, the work of Design/UX + OSS Sustainability was advocacy (OSS <-> Design community both ways), funding, processes, mentoring, resources and structures. Largely things the WG have been grinding on for a while.

We’ll use the #open-design-discussions channel in the Open Collective slack to chat there. :paintbrush::sparkling_heart:


This is awesome. I would like to give start giving badges out to those who show up to meetings. @jwf thoughts?


I love me a positive affirmation badge! Do you need design help in making them :sparkles: pretty?:sparkles:


Because the burnt orange Screenshot 2020-05-04 at 14.26.55 isn’t as lovely as the sustain green brand colour


You read my mind. Please, I hate the default ones. We’re keeping Rin Tin Tin =D


Glad to see this off to a good start. :slight_smile:

Are there any action items that can be done by anyone interested in carrying the conversation forward before May 21st?


Action items in the doc you mean?

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Yeah. Or in general. Not sure what to do in the intervening time.

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Hey Sustain Design & UX folks, we have a meeting booked in this week on Thursday (11.00 EDT, 16.00 BST 17.00 CEST). I can’t edit the meeting invite but here’s the Google doc link for notes:

Any agenda item suggestions plz?

My one is:

  • Let’s talk about documentation and overlap with any/all of the other Sustain working groups.

I (Eriol) took two actions which I started. They were:

  • Guide to getting involved in Open Source as a Designer
  • Advice for Open Source projects about how to get contributions from Designers

I’ve been loosely doing 2ish hour workshops on this: absolutely do not think this is the best way to give advice, there’s probably other/better ideas to do this.Would be nice to create a wiki sort of resource for this?


Thought I’d leave an open invitation here for a chat on a Sustain OSS x Open Source Design collab here:

It would be great to have representation from folks involved here, or anyone vaguely interested in community management or game theory.


Hi folx! I took the action item to summarize today’s meeting notes in this thread:

2020 May 21 meeting (notes)

Attendees (x8)


High-level overviews of what we discussed:

Design Documentation & links with the Documentation WG

  • Documentation is first place where people can decide if they want to get involved
  • Design Documentation
    • User + Developer documentation > Design Documentation
    • Communication norms
    • Information Architecture of Docs
    • (@Erioldoesdesign) What if there was open source design docs like the default code of conducts? Things that are like, copy-a-ble or ‘start your repo with asking for design help’
    • E.g. Memo’s helped with information architecture of docs hub when funded to work on docs and it was well received by the team.
  • What is the Sustain Docs WG focusing on?
    • @ChrisChinchilla is holding office hours on documentation
    • Documenting resources on documentation
    • How to write good docs
  • What are the how-tos that would be useful for new open source designers?
    • How to create and document a pattern library
    • How to make project bugs/issues approachable and inclusive for designers
    • Best practices for design mentorship in open source [?]
    • Best practices for open collaborative design ?

Resource Ideas

Credit & Design in Open Source

  • (@jwf) Aside: Related to Bernard’s point, different demographics have different experiences with receiving appropriate credit for their work
    • Collab: Licensing WG on things like outreach materials about Creative Commons licenses for designers? (might be a stretch…)
    • Often women but also other underrepresented demographics have different experiences with asking for and receiving credit
  • (@jwf) How to talk about Open Design to open source developers
    • “Advocate kit”-esque tool to help build better understanding and context for what goes into Design work and to help the wider development community get more visibility into Design work

How to share Design Work openly

Existing Resources to pull together

  • USABLE Tools
  • OSD
  • SimSec Knowledge base docs
  • OpenDesign

Working Group Page on Sustain Site

  • Purpose
    • Help contribute to a roadmap for how design contributes to open source sustainability
    • How design can help the sustain mindset
    • Defining / providing best practices and guidance on sustainable design
    • Storytelling about example practices
  • Goals:
    • Create a community space for design conversations related to open source!
    • Support projects around usability, design and adoption
    • Share resources
  • Guiding questions
  • Reports and documents
    • @benjam: Not a report or doc but in 2018, 24 Pull Requests added the ability to credit any contribution (24 PRs is @teabass and me)
  • Resources
    • Existing & In Progress
  • How to get involved
    • @jwf: Say hi on this Discourse thread, attend a monthly video meeting?

Action item follow-up

Actions from the last meeting & who (if anyone) can/will take on stuff (not obligatory). Make a list & divvy it up?

(@jwf) Principles of Authentic Participation: Design component for the future of this work? Collab opportunity??

We ran over on time. Will bring it up another time:


x-posted from the open-design-discussion channel on the open collective slack

For our next SustainOSS Design + UX WG meeting I have an agenda item/topic to propose/discuss.

  • Designer + Developer relations - what is needed, observed and can be done about the gaps between these ‘functions’ or ‘jobs’. The corporate world has plenty(?) of advice/resources for this but how does the dynamic play out in OSS and how can it be better sustained?

Raised because I had a great follow up conversation with who I met at the Open Source Africa festival and we talked for an extended period of time about how to build better bridges of understanding between devs+design.The ? after ‘plenty’ is because I see these existing resources as mainly accessible and written for a western, European, American audience and it is less available in other countries not privileged with a certain pov on design


Apologies for the late posting! Here are the notes from our June meeting:


Date: June 23, 2020

Attendees: @RichardLitt , @jwf , @Erioldoesdesign , @georgiamoon , @Peace_Ojemeh

Apologies: benjam


  • Intros / Check-in
  • From Eriol:
    • Designer + Developer relations - what is needed, observed and can be done about the gaps between these ‘functions’ or ‘jobs’. The corporate world has plenty(?) of advice/resources for this but how does the dynamic play out in OSS and how can it be better sustained?
    • Raised because I had a great follow up conversation with who I met at the Open Source Africa festival and we talked for an extended period of time about how to build better bridges of understanding between devs+design.
    • The ? after ‘plenty’ is because I see these existing resources as mainly accessible and written for a western, European, American audience and it is less available in other countries not privileged with a certain pov on design.
  • What are the resources that people in new roles need to work with design + open source - How do I talk ‘open source to designers when they don’t know open source’
  • Docs + Design + Open Source
    • The docs team are being more inclusive and understanding of design so we’re sustaining design and ux in the docs WG :slight_smile:
    • Designing better docs experiences
    • Docs about Design Process
    • Minimum Viable Design Contribution ReadMe
  • Open Source Design 101 in-progress by Eriol:
  • Justin is working on an open source knowledge base for his org
  • Sustainability in Open Source Design > a network / community
    • Podcast is a useful model in this — to allow the coffee track
    • A “design panel” or a UX Clinic
    • Enabling ourselves as stewards of support in our various communities
    • How do we grow our community?
    • “Proselytizing” design in open source
    • Example re: Emma Irwin / Open Source Diversity monthly calls
  • Outreach channels that exist
    • OSD as an output channel
    • Open Source Africa
    • Existing regular conversations that are useful
  • Eriol: July 15th — UX Bristol — document & share!
  • TODO:
    • Consolidate the resources we have in this doc and related docs
    • Work on documents in these monthly meetings
    • Share out these notes in Sustain Discourse site & Slack
    • Assess podcast Interest

Hi all! A quick follow-up from our last meeting. The Taiga board is live!

In the next Working Group call, I can give a tour of how to use the Taiga board as an admin, but for now, it would be great for folks to create new cards for some of the different ideas we’ve been discussing the past few months.

Also if you want an invite to the board, please send me a message with your email address! :star2:


I’m gonna try an sprint on populating the Taiga board this weekend :slight_smile:

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@Erioldoesdesign This would be immensely helpful! I figure in our next meeting, we can dedicate time at the start to review the board and add anything we think is missing. But having some base content there will make it easier for us to jump right in for our next call. :smile:

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I updated the Taiga board with all the things! in our meeting notes docs.

So there are some epics and issues/user stories for overarching themes and granular resources.

I started tagging some of the epics and issues/user stories but that’s the next thing to focus on…well as well as creating/searching for some of the resources that don’t exist yet!


OMG. This is amazing and so helpful, thanks @Erioldoesdesign! :star_struck:

I added some upvotes and a few comments to specific user stories, and did a quick look at everything you added. I think this will be super helpful for our monthly meetings. Maybe we could even get in a habit of using Taiga for card-specific discussions. All good things to explore in our next meeting when we get a chance to review this with everyone. :blush:

Also, just a call-out to this card specifically (Credit & Design in Open Source):

Related, there is a focus group on “Credit” as part of a Building Trustworthy Data Practices effort this Tuesday (2020-08-25 @ 13:00 U.S. EDT). It is a 90 minute focus group and led by excellent folks connected with various open science efforts. I could pass along an invite to anyone interested.

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Reviving this thread to say we recorded our first SOS Design podcast last Friday 30th of October.

SOS Design = Sustaining Open Source Design!

We have plenty more to get through before the next Sustain 2021 but this is a great move forward.

Now, how do I make a category for design & UX on this discourse :see_no_evil: