đź‘Ą Working Groups
Licensing Here we can discuss open source licensing Marketing Funding Index This is the place to discuss the index of many names: The “OSS Funding Index”; “OSS Grants”, “The Shame(-on you if your company is not on it) Index”. First prototype of the index is live here: https://erlend-sh.github.io/ossgrants/ Documentation Working Group: Discussions and topics about sustainable Open Source documentation. Topics cover both the strategic angle on content, and also a technical angle on tooling and source text. Community Suggested topics for this working group, based on Sustain Summit 2017 Report and sustain Summit 2018 sessions. Accountability & Transparency Building common language for accounting and transparency in Free and Open Source projects. Revenue Models Suggested topics for this working group, based on Sustain Summit 2017 Report and sustain Summit 2018 sessions. Design & UX Working Group: How can we make open source design and user experience sustainable, too? What does sustainability mean for code-adjacent territories? Governance Working Group: Discussions and topics around community governance and governance best practices. Topics include governance models, documenting open source community management strategies, and more. Academic Volunteer Health This category is a Working Group focused on Volunteer Health. Whether we are talking physical, mental, psychological, or physiological health, the overall well-being of volunteers in our community is a significant factor in sustainability. So, let’s explore that! SFOSC The SFOSC category is for the “Sustainable Free and Open Source Communities” initiative by Adam Jacob. Sustainability Models Suggested topics for this working group, based on Sustain Summit 2017 Report and sustain Summit 2018 sessions. DEI