SustainOSS Design & UX Working group July discussion topic: Differentiation between design for open source and open design

Every month the Design & UX working group chooses a topic from the community to discuss - in July that was discussing the differentiation between design for open source and open design.

We had 4 folks on the community call but I also thought it’d be worth starting a topic here to have statements and questions come in.

Here are the notes from that discussion: SustainOSS UX & Design Working Group - Google Docs


Thanks for sharing the notes. Interesting discussion. Maybe it’s helpful to identify some projects/communities that do some of these things really well and write case studies on them? So if another person/project/community wants to “do stuff more openly”, they can see exactly how it can be done, benefits & problems, and whether it fits their needs and wants.

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Absolutely - there are plenty of projects doing the open design and open source design side of things well and we actually have a place for that list here:Case studies & examples

But we haven’t had many (any) submissions just yet but PR’s can be submitted to: GitHub - sustainers/design: Inventory of design resources, best practices, and content about design contributions in Open Source

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