Looks like topical issue aggregator. In the best Open Source way it would be interesting to see the real-time metrics about the platform. It is surely expensive - collaboration between platforms/companies, but I am skeptical about the usage.
The main problem for me is the barrier to entry in these projects. First, most of them are hardcore maths that are impossible to grok without a lot of free weekend. Second, there are not many people to merge contributions. Quite often such software is developed in scientific institutions, and at least in US, the institutions don’t receive money to maintain software. I don’t have a reference, but even the https://foldingathome.org/ project during COVID had only single developer, paid from own pockets of people from the University. To be honest even Google with its Open Source culture don’t always care about its core projects.
So from sustainability standpoint I am really curious how much did it cost to create the project (money, people, days), how much does it cost to maintain it (hours, servers, services), and what is its operating budget (amount, structure).
Pros: Great design. Curated content. Cons: No impact estimation. No money.
I’d use AI to estimate the impact of each issue, and build learning ecosystem around it. For the money, as an individual with less than $200 of income, I have nothing to donate. I am more interested in bounties / paid Open Source work to direct my focus while I have the free time.