Hello friends,
I’m excited to finally announce the first-ever Open Boards Summit, which will take place online on Thursday October 24th, 2024 from 15:00 to 18:00 UTC.
The event is envisioned as a collaborative and interactive forum in which to explore and discuss the range of challenges, cycles, evolutions, and surprises that are recurrently navigated but rarely documented or collectively validated in the course of governing organizations with open-centric missions.
We anticipate that participating projects will come from open technology, open data, open knowledge, open science contexts and more. Board members as well as project and community leaders are encouraged to attend and collaboratively capture best practices, document resource gaps, and collectively envision more effective, more equitable and more impactful open organizations.
Complete information, including information on how to participate, can be found at http://openboardssummit.org/ The event is co-organized by Philanthropy Matters and Aspiration.
We thank any and all who are able to spread the word and let others know about this convening.
We hope to see many of you in October.