Community feedback sessions: Sustain OSS 2020 conference report

Hey Sustain OSS community :wave:

The Sustain OSS organising committee have been working on a report from the Sustain 2020 event for quite a long time! It has morphed from simply a document on what happened into a long-form collection of essays on how the open-source communities can become more sustainable as a whole. We’d like you to read it. Really!

We want to make sure that, when we do publish it, it’s in a format that you would enjoy reading and sharing, and which would make it easy for you to do so. To figure out what format that is, we’re running two 1 hour-long facilitated focus groups. We want you - members of the SustainOSS community - to join us to weigh in on how you would best like to have information about OSS software sustainability served to you.

The aim of these focus groups is to better understand what forms of content can be delivered that is inclusive to the needs of the Sustain OSS community and beyond and how we can collectively begin to serve that need.

Here’s the calendar booking link: Calendly - Eriol Fox These are set up to have a max of 6 people per slot - try to book onto sessions that already has people in if you can so we reduce any instances of 1-2-1 sessions which will likely be cancelled if only 1 person has booked onto.

If you’d like to input but cannot for whatever reason, make a focus group conversation please let me (Eriol) know and we’ll find a method that suits you to contribute.


Hey folks,

Things got very busy for me in Aug and Sept but I opened these up again: Calendly - Eriol Fox

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Now that the sustain report has been published in one format:

I’d like to re-invite asynchronous collaboration on feedback and ideas for different kinds of ways for the report to be expressed over here in an open collaborative Miro white board: Miro | Online Whiteboard for Visual Collaboration

Please do comment here if you have questions about the white board and the nature of this :slight_smile:


This collaborative whiteboard is still open for feedback - if you want to have a synchronous while you look at the board you can DM me to set that up :slight_smile: