Governance Readiness Working Group

Hi everyone,

let me do an update on the last advances.

Current situation

We have been working on the Question Mapping Exercise proposed by @jwf. All elements identified at the SustainOSS event are now classified according to the sections proposed by CommunityRule. It is still a draft version and it would need more “eyes” to check (and maybe, discuss) that the classification makes sense. You can find the document here.

I have also explored the initiative and attended one of their meetings. Among other things, the initiative is developing CommunityRule, which is directly related to our process of identifying governance models. As you can see, we are currently joining efforts to collaborate in this line. Also, the weekly meetings are an exciting place to discuss governance-related issues.

Can I help?

Yes! It would be great! The document is still a draft version and it would need more “eyes” to check (and maybe, discuss) that the classification makes sense.

For those of you that could give us a hand with the Question Mapping Exercise, please open the document and have a look at questions (column B) and the CommunityRule section (column H). Do you agree on that classification? It may be useful to have a quick look at the CommunityRule sections here.

If you have any remarks, feel free to create a comment in the cell directly.

Is there a deadline?

I plan to collect the feedback by Monday May 4th. Thanks in advance!

Next steps

In the coming days, I will circulate a poll to rank the questions. The point is to identify some prioritization. Step by step. Keep tuned :slight_smile:
