Marketing, Operations, and BizDev for Open Source Working Group

I was asking you! I’m asking in general. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I don’t like the term mastermind, either, but it’s a name for groups like this which I’ve used in the past, elsewhere. Keeping it as a nominal working group may make the most sense, given the points you outline.

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Our fortnightly meeting is today! Join us at 3:00pm EDT, if you’re able. Zoom details are here.

Hey! :wave: It’s this guy again.

A few of the regulars can’t make it to the next two meetings; in lieu of this, we’re postponing the WG meetings until June. If anyone would like to have a Marketing WG in the meantime, reach out to @jdorfman. :slight_smile:

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I can’t make tomorrow’s, but I believe I’ve set up the Zoom link so that it’ll be open to anyone who would like to go!

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Yeah I had to bail today, my plate was full. I will be at the next one for sure.

At the last one we agreed to put this on hiatus for a while. If anyone has the energy to restart it, go ahead. :slight_smile:

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