First Meeting of the Year on January 12th!

Happy New Year everyone! :tada: This is to announce that we would be resuming our community activities and plans on the 8th of January, 2024. :dancer::man_dancing:

To kick off the year on a positive note, we are thrilled to announce that our first meeting will take place together with the Sustain Together biweekly meeting scheduled for next week.

Event Details:

  • Date: Friday, January 12th
  • Time: 16:00pm UTC
  • Location: Big Blue Button

Agenda Highlights:

  • Reflection on our efforts and accomplishments in 2023
  • Setting goals and priorities for 2024
  • Open floor for member updates and initiatives.

Have a great weekend!


I have a conflict tomorrow and wonโ€™t be able to make it this time! I look forward to reading the meeting minutes later.

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Here is a summary of what we discussed in the meeting last Friday.

  • We reflected on our efforts and accomplishments in 2023: We were able to curate a good amount of DEI resources on the OpenDev Etherpad.

  • Formation of the DEI WG Team: We discussed that it could be great to define roles for DEI wg members to help execute the goals existing on our document.

    • Roles like maintainers, content creators, note takes, and facilitators would be good to start with. We need to define the responsibilities of each role
  • Defining our goals for 2024: The goals we have listed out are so enormous for this WG and might result in burnout for all individuals working on them.

    • We should break it down into 2 goals that are high priority and more achievable

Action Items:

You can refer to the meeting notes for the full discussions - Thanks to Anita/Richard for taking Notes: Sustain DEI WG Discussions

Additional feedback on these discussions is also welcome. If you have any comments/questions/remarks, please feel free to add them to the document.

Attendees: @Anita_Ihuman @Anna_Ayoung-Stoute @RichardLitt @glauesppen @coni2k, Andrew Nesbitt @Kara Sowles @Daniel @Ibiam @jonatoni Azizaj @Maryblessing, Daniel Azubuine

Next Call: Friday, January 19th at 16:00pm UTC


Answered the form. I am really curious about the result! :slight_smile:

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Same here,

Those are all exciting goals to work towards as a community.

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It was difficult making a choice.

Hello everyone,

This is just a gentle reminder of our meeting today, Friday, 16:00 pm UTC. We will be deliberating on the goals to prioritize based on the outcome of our survey form.

See you there.

Hello everyone,

Here is a summary of what we discussed in the meeting last Friday.

  • Our next call will take place: Friday, February 2th at 16:00pm UTC

Here are the key takeaways:

  • We discussed on the goals we will be Prioritizing goals for 2024 following feedback from the survey form we sent out. You can find these goals listed out here

  • We continued the discussion on the DEI resource landscape project we have been developing. The list is ready to be included in a more detailed that will serve as a form of a handbook.

Action Items:

  • Please add more resources you may know of in the DEI resource landscape

  • We would like to hear about your DEI experiences and efforts in your communities and events; please feel free to share any DEI-related topics you come across or want to discuss.

For the full discussions, please refer to the meeting minutes - Thanks to Richards!: Sustain DEI WG Discussions

Additional feedback on these discussions is also welcome. If you have any comments/questions/remarks, please feel free to add them to the document.

Attendees: @RichardLitt, @Anita_Ihuman @jonatoni @Anna_Ayoung-Stoute @glauesppen @Mugeha_Laura @Brayan Kai


Iโ€™ve set up a Jupyter Notebook like I said I would for this. You can check it out here: About โ€” SustainOSS DEI Handbook

And you can add content here: GitHub - sustainers/dei-handbook. Iโ€™ve pulled over everything from the Etherpad that was in there right now, so I propose we get rid of that etherpad and use this as the source of truth. If people donโ€™t know how to contribute, they can open an issue and then submit there.

If youโ€™d like to be added as a maintainer, let me know! Looking forward to seeing PRs.

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Thank you, Richard. Will update the link

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This is awesome - great work @RichardLitt :tada:


Hello everyone,

This is a gentle reminder of our meeting on Friday, 1st March, at 16:00 pm UTC.

See you there.

Hey everyone,

Here is a summary of what we discussed in the meeting last Friday.

  • DEI resources handbook: We had a co-working session to develop the DEI handbook outline. It was agreed that in the coming weeks, we will continue with these co-working sessions till we have completed this project.

  • Contribution Covenant starting revision of version 3.0: The contributor covenant is about to release version 3.0, which with improvements to it.

  • DEI Quarterly Event: According to our plans for 2024, we are planning our first event on DEI in OSS. There are three topics of interest, and we need to conclude a preferred topic. Cast your vote below.

Action Items:

  • What is a preferred topic for our first event?
  • AI and Algorithmic bias
  • How to help smaller communities drive more Community Diversity
  • Invite DEI communities to highlight their work. For example, Fedora DEI could share what their team is working on, along with some success stories.
0 voters

You can refer to the meeting notes for the full discussions - Thanks to everyone for taking Notes: Sustain DEI WG Discussions

Additional feedback on these discussions is also welcome. If you have any comments/questions/remarks, please feel free to add them to the document.

Attendees: @Anita_Ihuman @Anna_Ayoung-Stoute @Ibiam @jonatoni Azizaj @Maryblessing, @Gerardo Lisboa

Next Call: Friday, March 15th at 16:00pm UTC

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Hello everyone,

This is a gentle reminder of our meeting on Friday, 15th March, at 16:00 pm UTC.

  • We are still accepting votes on what topic is preferred for this monthโ€™s event.
  • If you have any topic you would like us to discuss, add it to the minutes here

See you there.

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Hello everyone,

This is a gentle reminder of our meeting this Friday, March 29th, at 16:00 pm UTC.

  • Rember to Vote for our DEI event theme from this discourse Poll
  • If you have any topic you would like us to discuss, add it to the minutes here

See you there.

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Hey everyone,

Here is a summary of what we discussed in the meeting last Friday.

  • DEI resources handbook : We had a co-working session to develop the DEI handbook outline.

You can refer to the meeting notes for the full discussions - Thanks to everyone for taking Notes: Sustain DEI WG Discussions

Additional feedback on these discussions is also welcome. If you have any comments/questions/remarks, please feel free to add them to the document.

Attendees: @Anita_Ihuman @Anna_Ayoung-Stoute @jonatoni Azizaj @Maryblessing

Next Call: Friday, April 12th at 17:00pm UTC


Hi everyone! After a long period off due some personal issues, I would like to participate again on the initiatives. I saw in the Discussions that there is someone from Portugal trying to do an event. I am also living in Portugal and may assist! How can I contact Gerardo?

Good to have you back, Glaucia, Gerardo is active in the Sustain slack channel. perhaps you could get in touch there.

Hello everyone,

our bi-weekly meeting holds this Friday, April 12th, at 16:00 pm UTC.

  • If you have any topic you would like us to discuss, add it to the minutes here

See you there.

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